IO-SEA at Teratec’22:
IO-SEA was represented at Teratec Forum where we had a poster on IO-SEA.
IO-SEA was represented at Teratec Forum where we had a poster on IO-SEA.
IO-SEA had its presence at ISC’22 with a booth shared between the other SEA projects! Was great to work with them on this: We also had a very successful BoF …
The IO-SEA stack will significantly change the way users interact with the data storage service on supercomputers. Up to now, data storage is considered as a generic service sized by…
From the storage point of view, the IO-SEA project considers a vertical, multi-tier storage. Cheap but slow technologies are used for long-term storage (data that is very rarely used) while…
What is the origin of the mass of objects around us? Why do experiments see the spectrum of particle masses that they do? Surprisingly, many of these questions are attacked…
The IO-SEA project aims to provide novel data-management solutions for exascale computing. It is important these solutions match the needs of the scientific applications which consume resources at HPC centers…
Benchmarking in High Performance Computing (HPC) is the act of measuring the performance of software, or parts thereof, on computers with the idea to generate comparable numbers. These comparable numbers,…
As part of WP1, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) will be using a subset of its operational forecasting workflow to provide requirements to the project. Once the services provided…
The IO-SEA team welcomes you to our new website where we will keep you informed about our work, events and other HPC-related information. We also have a Twitter page @iosea_eu….