Advisory Board

Johann Lombardi
Johann Lombardi is a senior principal engineer in the Extreme Scale Architecture & Development Division at Intel. He is the lead architect of the Distributed Asynchronous Object Store (DAOS). Prior to DAOS, Johann led the sustaining team in charge of the Lustre filesystem worldwide support for 5 years. He then transitioned to research problems (Fast Forward, ESSIO, CORAL & Path Forward) to lead the development of a storage stack for Exascale HPC, Big Data and AI.

Estela Suarez
Dr. Estela Suarez is senior scientist and deputy-lead of the Technology Department at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, which she joined in 2010. Her research focuses on HPC system architectures and codesign. As leader of the DEEP series of EU-funded projects she has driven the development of the Cluster-Booster and the Modular Supercomputing Architectures, including HW, SW and application implementation and validation. Additionally, since 2018 she leads the codesign efforts within the European Processor Initiative. Since 2018 she gives lectures on HPC architectures at the University of Bonn. She holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Geneva and a Master degree in Astrophysics from the University Complutense of Madrid.

Jalil Boukhobza
Jalil Boukhobza is Professor at the ENSTA-Bretagne, a French State Graduate, Post-Graduate and Research Institute. His main research interests include storage system design, performance evaluation and energy optimization, and operating system design. He works on different application domains such as embedded systems, cloud computing, and database systems.

Robert Ross
Robert Ross is a Senior Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory and the Director of the DOE SciDAC RAPIDS Institute for Computer Science, Data, and Artificial Intelligence. Rob’s research interest is in system software for high performance computing.

Soraya Zertal
Soraya Zertal is Associate Professor in Computing at university Paris Saclay-UVSQ and member of Li-PaRAD lab. Her research interests are in data storage systems and performance evaluation.

Etienne Walter
Etienne is senior expert and project director in the Atos BDS (Big Data & Security) R&D Division and is currently coordinating, as General Manager, the phase 2 of the European Processor Initiative (EPI).
Graduate engineer at Supelec (now part of Paris-Saclay university), he has been involved in several European & French HPC and Big Data projects, and was project coordinator of Mont-Blanc 3 and Mont-Blanc 2020 H2020 projects, while contributing to the preparation and coordination of the first phase of EPI project