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Written by Thomas Leibovici @ CEA IO-SEA aims to implement a deep storage hierarchy by integrating various storage technologies from NVMe to tapes. Some technologies provide high performance for application…
The three SEA projects DEEP-SEA, IO-SEA and RED-SEA join forces to develop complementary European technologies for future heterogeneous exascale supercomputing architectures Watch the new video from the collaboration over on…
IO-SEA was present at the EuroHPC summit along with the other SEA projects. We participated in the session: “Co-Designing the Future of European HPC: Eco-friendly Technologies, Systems and Software” which…
From the storage point of view, the IO-SEA project considers a vertical, multi-tier storage. Cheap but slow technologies are used for long-term storage (data that is very rarely used) while…
🎞 Have you seen the 1st IO-SEA webinar called Software for exascale architectures driven by hierarchical storage management approach❓ NO❓ Then, don´t worry, because we have recorded this webinar for…