Have you seen the first IO-SEA webinar?
🎞 Have you seen the 1st IO-SEA webinar called Software for exascale architectures driven by hierarchical storage management approach❓ NO❓ Then, don´t worry, because we have recorded this webinar for…

New Publications Added
We have added a new section in resources for released Publications! Please check out the latest publications here… Publications – IO-SEA (iosea-project.eu)
Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls
Link to Publication Nafiseh Moti, Reza Salkhordeh and André Brinkmann: Protected Functions: User Space Privileged Function Calls. 35th GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems. Heilbronn, Germany, September 13…
An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems
Link to Publications Mohammadamin Ajdari, Patrick Raaf, Mostafa Kishani, Reza Salkhordeh, Hossein Asadi, André Brinkmann:An Enterprise-Grade Open-Source Data Reduction Architecture for All-Flash Storage Systems. Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 6(2): 30:1-30:27 (2022) Mohammadamin Ajdari, Patrick Raaf, Mostafa Kishani, Reza Salkhordeh, Hossein Asadi, André…

IO-SEA: Software for Exascale architectures driven by hierarchical storage management approach
First Online IO-SEA Training Training Webinar! The webinar will present a novel data management and storage platform for exascale computing based on hierarchical storage management (HSM) and ephemeral data life-cycle…

SEA Projects on YouTube & IO-SEA Twitter
IO-SEA, along with the other SEA projects, have a YouTube channel which will be the home of any public project videos! Check it out here: SEA Projects – YouTube Also,…

IO-SEA is mentioned by HPC-Wire
IO-Sea, along with the other SEA projects, mentioned in HPC Wire article! Read the article here: https://www.hpcwire.com/2022/08/05/sea-changes-how-eurohpc-is-preparing-for-exascale/